从Layer1 的水龙头领取到 ETH 之后,就可以通过 Arbitrum 桥将 ETH 转到 Layer2 的 Arbitrum Testnet 了。Arbitrum 桥的地址为: https://bridge.arbitrum.io/ 不过,使用 Arbitrum 桥之前,还要先在 MetaMask 钱包中添加 Arbitrum Testnet 的信息,包括 RPC URL、Chain ID、区块浏览器等。Arbitrum Testnet 的信息可...
而要在 Arbitrum Testnet 上进行测试,就需要领取 Arbitrum Testnet 上的测试币用来支付 Gas,即 Arbitrum Testnet 上的ETH。但是,因为 Arbitrum Testnet 本身并没有可领取 ETH 的Faucet 水龙头,所以需要先在 Layer1 的测试网领取测试币,再通过Arbitrum Bridge将测试币转到 Arbitrum Testnet 上。 Arbitrum Testnet 所使...
Bridged USDC Standard USDC.com Solutions Cross-border payments Global dollar access Crypto capital markets Case studies Developer Circle for developers Documentation Interactive quickstarts Web3 Services account signup Developer blog Circle Research Testnet Faucet Test with sample app Uptime status Company ...
第三步 将 Kovan 测试网络的 ETH跨链到Arbitrum 测试网 1.浏览器登https://bridge5.arbitrum.io/进行资产跨链 2.输入 ETH 数量后点击“deposit”按钮进行跨链 3.在钱包授权中,请将燃料价格调整为10,燃料限制调整为800000来提高跨链速度 4.经过一段时间等待,跨链成功后将会显示 Txid 以及你当前钱包剩下的余...
https://docs.chain.link/docs/link-token-contracts/#goerli-testnet 之后需要将Goerli测试网的ETH和LINK代币转入Arbitrum Goerli测试网,因为Goerli测试网和Arbitrum Goerli测试网是两个独立的,平行的网络,所以之间资产的转移需要跨链,这里就用到了Arbitrum Bridge跨链桥。网址:https://bridge.arbitrum.io/。使用小狐狸...
Celer:https://cbridge.celer.network/ Composable:https://mosaic.composable.finance/ Connext:https://bridge.connext.network/ deBridge:https://app.debridge.finance/ DeGate:https://testnet.degate.com/ Hashflow:https://app.hashflow.com/ Hop:https://app.hop.exchange/ ...
然后我们打开下面的网址:http://bridge.arbitrum.io 点击箭头所指的那行紫色文字,然后弹出窗口中确认添加Arbitrum网络。 当然我们也可以用以前的老办法,手动添加: 在小狐狸界面选择“自定义RPC” 依次填入以下参数并保存: 网络名称:Arb1(可自定义) 新增RPC URL: ...
The only delay that's felt by a user is in "withdrawing" — moving their funds from Arbitrum back to Ethereum; if users are withdrawing directly from Arbitrum to Ethereum, they must typically wait 1 week before receiving their funds on L1. If users use a fast-Bridgeapplication, however,...
https://app.debridge.finance/ DeGate https://testnet.degate.com/ Hashflow https://app.hashflow.com/ Hop https://app.hop.exchange/ LiFi https://transferto.xyz/swap Router https://app.routerprotocol.com/ Mt. Pelerin https://www.mtpelerin.com/ ...
Bridge your parent chain Sepolia$ETHinto Arbitrum child chain usingthe Arbitrum bridge. Once you've acquired some$ETH, you'll be able to deploy your smart contract to Arbitrum's Sepolia testnet by issuing the following command: This tells remix to deploy the compiled smart contract through the...