BEIJING, July 16 (Xinhua) -- The arbitral tribunal in theSouth China Seacase unilaterally initiated by thePhilippines, with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) as its secretariat, issued an award on Tuesday amid a global chorus that the panel has no jurisdiction over the case. The law-...
CMAC has received large quantities of consultations regarding "Beijing Arbitration" clauses and even if CMAC accepted the case, the respondent will raise jurisdiction objections, which will greatly delay the arbitration proceedings … The court’s rigid position toward "Beijing Arbitration" clauses has ...
The events of China Arbitration Week are held in September each year in dozens of cities in and out of China. The previous eleven editions of the China Arbitration Week received wide recognition and active participation globally: The...
On June 6, 2022, Ruili Airlines, Yunnan Jingcheng Company, and Mr. Dong (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Applicants") requested the Fourth Intermediate People's Court of Beijing (hereinafter referred to as the "Court") to lawfully revoke the CIETAC Arbitration Award. The Applicants ...
Xianwei, PengKluwer Law Internationaljournal of international arbitrationXIANWEI, P. (2011) Validity of the "Beijing Arbitration" Clause: A Discussion of Two Landmark Civil Rulings of the Chinese Supreme People's Court. Journal of International Arbitration, 28....
Shenzhen CIETAC subsequently changed its name to 'South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission', also using the name 'Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration' (SCIA) and was registered as an independent arbitration institution by the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province....
arbitration, BRI, CICC, diversified dispute resolution, foreign courts, international commercial court, judicial interpretations The Supreme People’s Court’s ongoing contribution to developing foreign-related rule of law (涉外法治) February 14, 2024 1 Comment Press conference announcing the judicial ...
25 、You have be awarded your damages by the arbitration court.───仲裁庭已判给你方损失赔偿费。 26 、The role of Labor Dispute Arbitration Commissions is still ambiguous.───劳动争议仲裁委员会的法律地位仍然未予明确。 27 、You needn't worry about that. There is an arbitration clause in ...
英文: If the arbitration tribunal refuses to re-arbitrate, the people's court shall rule to resume the cancellation procedure.中文: 仲裁庭拒绝重新仲裁的,人民法院应当裁定恢复撤销程序。英文: Before the Constitution of punitive procedure to the procedure tort, maybe the lawyers' association should ...
Yongwei H (ed) (2017) Twelve lectures on the frontier issues of justice. People’s Court Press, Beijing, p 234 Google Scholar Yuan H, Chen X, Wang J, Yuan J, Yan HY, Susilo W (2020) Blockchain-based public auditing and secure deduplication with fair arbitration. Inf Sci 541:409–425...