Information Extraction, andData Integration, which implements the conversion from paper documents to database structure data. This section analyzes each stage’s processing techniques and methods, combined with data examples.
Some specific examples which confirm that theMaffeziniapproach has influenced the idea that MFN can be interpreted expansively are as follows: inGemplus S.A.,SLP S.A.,Gemplus Industrial S.A. de C.V.,and Talsud S.A. v The United Mexican States (Gemplus v Mexico), (ICSID Case No. ARB...
This subsection will address this question by examining examples of the IOC and World Athletics. International Olympic Committee (IOC) The IOC Executive Board has the authority to impose sanctions on athletes or international and national federations in cases of violations of the Olympic Charter, the...
Virtual hearings and increased reliance on technology are clear examples of changes that will persist. It has been a challenging yet rewarding process, but we are pleased with the interesting results. This survey may also prompt further discussion on future changes to arbitral practice and procedural...
Thus, in this paper, we propose a novel multi-scale CNN and bi-LSTM arbitration dense network model MSCBL-ADN for alleviating the impact of the insufficiency of high-quality attack examples. The contributions of this paper are as follows: The paper introduces a novel fixed T-length sliding ...
For the most part, states in the Middle East have created national oil companies (NOCs) to manage, at the least, their upstream oil and gas requirements. Notable examples of NOCs include the following: Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco): Saudi Arabia’s state-...
The examples cited suggest at least 4 distinct kinds of anti-regime motivation for extreme nationalist speech and actions: Critiquing the party’s ideological policies through parody; Giving patriotism negative associations; Fomenting domestic chaos that would destabilize party rule; ...
Current examples include: restrictions placed on Russia in response to the events in Ukraine; the sanctions placed onVenezueladue to the continuing deterioration of democracy, the rule of law and human rights; US sanctions againstIran; and the restrictions placed on dealing with certain Chinese co...
27/1994. More examples are set out in articles (9), (17), (19), (45), (20) and (24) of the Arbitration Act. 82Article 45(1) of the Arbitration Act No. 27/1994; Cairo Court of Appeal, Circuit 91 Commercial, Case No. 55/2005 JY, session dated 27 February 2005. 83Professor ...
2010:annotatedtext-COMMENTS(i.e.,commentarywithexamplesfromnationallawsofEUMemberStates)–sixvolumes(publisher:OxfordUniversityPress) TheEXPERTSBEHINDTHEDCFR COORDINATORS FROMPOST-SOCIALISTCEECOUNTRIES ChristianvonBar(Osnabrück) GuidoAlpa(Italy) HughBeale(UK,Warwick) ...