In May 2023, Nigeria’s Arbitration and Mediation Act (AMA) was enacted. It replaced the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1988 with a modernised version that aligns with the 2006 UNCITRAL Model Law. Among its salient features is the Award Review Tribunal (ART) mechanism, outlined in Section 56...
International Commercial Arbitration - An Examination of the Efficacy and Challenges of International Commercial Dispute Bodies in Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards – Nigeria as a Case Studydoi:10.2139/ssrn.4015663Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards...
International judicial arbitration is also a possibility, if the parties are willing to submit to it and to abide by its rulings, as was the case with Nigeria and Cameroon in the Bakassi case. 如果各方愿意诉诸国际司法仲裁,并服从其裁决,那么这种仲裁也是一种可能性,例如尼日利亚和喀麦隆在巴卡西一...
In that context,theCommissionnoted that since its forty-fourth session, in 2011, the following organizations had been added to the list of non-governmental organizations invited to sessions of UNCITRAL and its working groups: Business Recovery and Insolvency Practitioners Association of Nigeria; European...
21.14 (citing Article 14(2), 2016 Iran-Slovakia BIT and Article 17(4), 2016 Morocco-Nigeria BIT). 112. See e.g., Inceysa v. El Salvador (Award) (investor fraudulently misrepresented itself in a bidding process for government contracts); Fraport v. Philippines (Award) (investor know- ...