This is the result I see in the DOM. As you can see, it renders the arbitrary values, but not the corresponding css: As perthe documentation: The most important implication of how Tailwind extracts class names is that it will only find classes that exist ascomplete unbroken stringsin your ...
Additionally, if you have complex selectors with:not(), we can convert this to a compoundnot-*variant in some cases as well: If some of the values innth-child(…)are a bit too complex, then we still try to convert them but to arbitrary values instead. This also implements some optimiz...
!value), 'ariaLabel': 'Select all', 'class': 'translate-y-[2px]' }), { 'checked': table.getIsAllPageRowsSelected(), 'onUpdate:checked': value => table.toggleAllPageRowsSelected(!!value), 'ariaLabel': 'Select all', 'class': 'translate-y-0.5' }), cell: ({ row }) => h(...
What value will this expression return? String interpolation is a much-needed new feature that is finally available in JavaScript. See the example below. Is there anything wrong with it? Rest is a new way for functions to handle an arbitrary number of parameters. Can you guess what the ...
The arbitrary values really help you when you don’t need a whole class or CSS rule but a one-off value. I hope this has been useful! You can watch my full TailwindCSS course on Pluralsight here: TailwindCSS 3 FundamentalsThis work by Shawn Wildermuth is licensed under a Creative Commons...