Headquartered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and with offices around the world, we combine market discipline with a generations' spanning view of the future, born of our nine decades experience as responsible stewards of the Kingdom's vast hydrocarbon resources. This responsibility has driven us...
At Aramco, our behavior is what defines us - as a company, as employees, as people. Everything we do is anchored by our corporate values: citizenship, safety, accountability, excellence and integrity.
The government of Saudi Arabia realizes how beneficial foreign investors are to the local economy. That is why they offer many attractive incentives for doing business within the Kingdom.
Saudi Aramco Branches with SWIFT code in Saudi arabia - City List Find Saudi Aramco SWIFT Codes and other relevent details of branches in Saudi arabia First select your Country, select the Bank, now select your City and finally select the branch of your bank to find SWIFT Code. If you need...
Aramco Suggests Its Own Reopening Projects in Saudi Arabia.(Brief Article)Odone, Toby
Saudi Aramco is the state-owned oil company of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and a fully integrated, global petroleum and chemicals enterprise. Over the past 80 years we have become a world leader in hydrocarbons exploration, production, refining, distribution, shipping and marketing, and the world...
McDermott will expand its engineering and procurement teams in Saudi Arabia to increase its reach in the kingdom, as well as establish a marine base in the Eastern Province to deliver oil and gas services such as the installation of offshor...
Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Saudi Aramco”), is a Saudi joint stock company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the “Kingdom”) by virtue of Royal Decree No. M/8, dated 4/4/1409H (corresponding 13/11/1988G) and registered in the city of Dhahran
Saudi Aramco, Oil company founded by the Standard Oil Co. of California (Chevron) in 1933, when the government of Saudi Arabia granted it a concession. Other U.S. companies joined after oil was found near Dhahran in 1938. In 1950 Aramco opened a pipeline
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