这个世界都是假的 只有刚买的Arai rx7x Gp4明日之星 L码是真的#arai #骑行穿搭#雅马哈r1 - XX、(G318进藏进行中)于20240420发布在抖音,已经收获了724个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
大人給我的預算又有限,而剛好前幾日在網路上看到一頂品項不錯的RX-7 RR4 GIBERNAU,彩繪也算比較...
7-1 1 求一个arai型号 凌凌漆 跟雷神4青山粉黛的颜色有些像的一款arai头盔,是什么型号? 凌凌漆 6-20 3 为什么我的rx7 logo跟别人的不一样 酱酱酱酱... 为什么我的qx7 亮黑logo跟别人的不一样啊 我的是3c版本 CB俊 6-20 4 求问rr4和rr5的耳板和镜片底座可以互通吗 无脑批发... ...
I’ve worn an RX-7, and we had one come through the studio for photos before it went to Kris Turner, the motorcycle racer (photos below). But we just never got around to doing a full evaluation of the famous helmet, so I can’t compare it to the new Corsair V, but I can defin...
EPS is very fragile and as mentioned the parts used to build these helmets aren’t cheap. Brian told me if they don’t get the liner straight or quite deep enough on the first try they usually can remove it without damage for another attempt, but beyond that, they need a new one. ...