The Arado Ar 234 Blitz was a groundbreaking aircraft that made history as the first operational jet-powered bomber in the world - zh
Arado Ar-234 “Blitz” – the first jet bomber There are already plenty of Ar-234’s on SP, so I never considered building one. Now however, with the new fuselage-cutting options, it’s finally possible to make a nice & smooth version of the Arado’s rather intricate glazed nose. ...
The Arado Ar 234 Blitz (English: lightning) was the world's first operational jet-powered bomber, built by the German Arado company during World War II.Produced in limited numbers it was used almost entirely for aerial reconnaissance. It was the last Luftwaffe aircraft to fly over the UK dur...
Arado Ar 234B-2/N `Nachtigall´[Luftwaffe Night Fighter] Hasegawa 1:48 09085(JT85)2002 Nowe części Arado Ar 234 B-2/B-2b Blitz Dragon 1:72 50031992 Nowe formy Ar234C-3w/V-1 Huckepack Dragon 1:72 50111993 Nowe części ...
世界上第一种涡轮喷气动力轰炸机--Ar234 "闪电"(Ar234 Blitz)最初是作为一种双发喷气高速侦察机在1940年末设想的。由于容克004B交付缓慢,Ar 234 VI原型机直到1943年6月15日才首飞;这架飞机的特点是采用了辅助起飞车,起飞时将小车抛掉,代替了传统的起落架。随后又有更多的原型机问世,包括Ar 234 V6和Ar 234 ...
德国Ar-234轰炸机 阿拉多Ar 234“闪电”(英语:Arado Ar 234 Lightning,德语:Arado Ar 234 Blitz)是世界上首种实用化的喷气轰炸机,由德国阿拉多公司在 第二次世界大战 尾声时所制造。在实际运用上,Ar 234大部分是担任侦察机的角色,仅少数担任轰炸机角色,它的速度性能使它几乎不可能被敌机拦截。
Arado AR 234 Blitz 作者:Murawski, Marek 页数:108 ISBN:9788360445662 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
》民用,科幻,火车,手办类 》综合类 >军事资料类 》战车 》飞行器 》舰船 》火炮,导弹,战略武器等 》民用 》综合 >战役战史类 》现代综合(二战后) 》二战——西线 》二战——东线 》二战——太平洋 & 远东 》二战——东南亚 》二战——北非 》二战综合 ...
The article offers information on the world's first operational jet-powered bomber and reconnaissance aircraft, Arado Ar 234 Blitz (Lightning). It sates that the aircraft is a high-winged design with a Junkers Jumo engine unde...
Auto Credit Based on ChrisTheWolf30's Arado AR-234 Blitz I saw this on the internet as one of the things Arado was made for... so i made it! well, press 1 to detach V-1 and activate Roll function in that bomb, then press 2 to activate engine....