And long before Morris's classic works were published Meir Pail, a Hagana observer at Deir Yasin and Israel's first Knesset member elected on a peace platform, openly related the story of the massacre. Reply to comment Jack Eisenberg06:07 06.07.201...
Participants in the conference, which was hosted by theInternational Israel Allies Caucus Foundation(IIACF), included members of Congress, former Knesset member and Oslo architectYossi Beilin, former Minister of TourismRabbi Benny Elon, writer and academic Jordanian expatriateMudar Zahran, and the Deputy...
They tend to hate Arabs, their former oppressors, tend to be more emotional people, and their grounding in democracy is still weak. Shasniks are of course worse in this respect. 3. Religious Ashkenazis, including Haredim, about 10% of the Jews (as esti...