Define Arable land. Arable land synonyms, Arable land pronunciation, Arable land translation, English dictionary definition of Arable land. adj. Fit for cultivation, as by plowing. n. Land fit to be cultivated. ar′a·bil′i·ty n. American Heritage®
(over two years), while it demands the contribution of farmers in physical or monetary capital terms and their active participation in the experimental design and implementation. Given this PRP definition, farmers could respond by yes or no and therefore a dummy variable (Participation) is ...
Another focus is the sustainable preservation of arable land. The definition of sustainable arable land protection has also been discussed widely and has been approached from different perspectives [25]. Some of the common views are that sustainable arable land utilization and preservation serve three ...
Keywords: land degradation; environmental management; decision support system; open source software; legacy data 1. Introduction Soil compaction represents one of the main threats to soils worldwide [1]; it causes increased surface runoff, soil erosion and nutrient leaching, while infiltration rate, ...