KatoT; Asamizu E; Nakamura;.Genome analysis of a flowering plant ,Arabidopsis thaliana brassicas and legumes from genome structure to breeding.Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry.2003.4-18Genome analysis of a flowering plant,Arabidopsis thaliana brassicas and legumes from genome structure to ...
Arabidopsis thaliana serves as a model species for investigating various aspects of plant biology. However, the contribution of genomic structural variations (SVs) and their associate genes to the local adaptation of this widely distribute species remain
The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress) is a small annual plant in the Brassicaceae family. In about 3 months from germination of a seed, Arabidopsis completes the life cycle, producing thousands of seeds through self-pollination. With its small genome size (∼135 Mb), Arabidopsi...
thaliana accessions. a, An assessment of the completeness of the 69 genome assemblies based on the comparison of estimated genome sizes and assembly features. The genome assemblies of 23 accessions were filtered out for genome size analyses based on the completeness ratio of genome and centromere ...
thaliana genome expected to be captured (∼1.4 Mb NLR genes plus expected flanking regions). Read ends were trimmed using a minimum evidence of two reads. Contigs were removed if they were fully contained in a larger contig with > 99.5% identity. For final assembly size and contig length ...
Arabidopsis thaliana.pdf Comparative and Functional Genomics Comp Funct Genom 2001; 2: 91–98. DOI: 10.1002/cfg.75 Featured Organism Arabidopsis thaliana Jo Wixon, Managing Editor Bioinformatics Division, HGMP-RC, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, UK Abstract Arabidopsis is universally acknowledged as the...
Over 225,000 independent Agrobacterium transferred DNA (T-DNA) insertion events in the genome of the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana have been created that represent near saturation of the gene space. The precise locations were determined for more than 88,000 T-DNA insertions, which resulted ...
Transposable elements and small RNAs contribute to gene expression divergence between Arabidopsis thaliana and Arabidopsis lyrata Transposable elements (TEs) are often the primary determinant of genome size differences among eukaryotes. In plants, the proliferation of TEs is countered... JD Hollister,LM ...
Parental-genome dosage effects on the transcriptome of F1 hybrid triploid embryos of Arabidopsis thaliana Genomic imprinting in the seed endosperm could be due to unequal parental genome contribution effects in triploid endosperm tissue that trigger parent-of-o... Antoine,Fort,Reetu,... - 《Plant ...
sis thaliana Genome Arabidopsis thaliana GenomeArabidopsis thaliana GenomeHancock, Angela MBrachi, BenjaminFaure, NathalieHorton, Matthew WJarymowycz, Lucien BSperone, F GianlucaToomajian, ChrisRoux, FabriceBergelson, JoyDENNIS C,SURR IDGE C.Arabidopsis thaliana genome.Nature. 2000DENNIS C,SURR IDGE...