历时7年花费7000万美元的拟南芥基因组计划(AGI,Arabidopsis Genome Initiative)由来自欧洲、日本和美国的研究人员合作完成 [1],此时距离1753年Carl Linnaeus为纪念首次描述这一植物的德国植物学家JohannesThal将其命名为Arabis thaliana已过去240年,而距离1943年Elliot Meyerowitz首次发现其具有作为模式生物的潜能仅...
Arabidopsis thaliana, a versatile model system for study of eukaryotic genome-maintenance functions DNA RepairJournal2002,DNA Repair John B.Hays Arabidopsisencodes orthologs of bacterial RecA proteins, targeted, respectively, to chloroplasts[20]and mitochondria (Nielsen, personal communication). However, mos...
Arabidopsis, a member of thecruciferfamily (closely related to the brassicas), has become an important model species for the study of nearly all aspects of plant biology1because of its diploidgenetics, rapid generation time and large seed set. It has a relatively small genome of approximately ...
专利名称:拟南芥属(Arabidopsis)用于生产人类及动物的治疗及诊断用蛋白质的商业用途的制作方法 技术领域: 本发明涉及使用鼠耳芥大量制造蛋白质。 背景技术: 大量制造蛋白质为有效探勘人类使用的重组基因产物例如治疗性蛋白质所需。虽然微生物系统经常就转殖以及制造转化细胞速度上提供明白优势,但由实验室规模扩大至大型发...
阿拉伯芥(Arabidopsis thaliana):解开自然奥秘的微小植物 阿拉伯芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)是植物学研究领域中一颗耀眼的明星。作为模式植物,阿拉伯芥为科学家们提供了一个理想的研究对象。其小型、快速生长和相对简单的基因组结构使其成为植物学研究的重要工具。本论文旨在探讨阿拉伯芥在基础与应用研究中的重要性,以及...
During evolution successful allopolyploids must overcome ‘genome shock’ between hybridizing species but the underlying process remains elusive. Here, we report concerted genomic and epigenomic changes in resynthesized and natural Arabidopsis suecica (T
Plants use seasonal temperature cues to time the transition to reproduction. In Arabidopsis thaliana, winter cold epigenetically silences the floral repressor locus FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) through POLYCOMB REPRESSIVE COMPLEX 2 (PRC2)1. This vernalization
释义 [医]拟南芥 实用场景例句 全部 The developmental morphology of plant cell was studied inArabidopsis thalianain this paper. 通过激光扫描共聚焦显微镜,利用不同种类(波长)的激光研究植物细胞发育形态学变化. 互联网 D student , Gent University, Belgium . Molecular mechanism underlying proline accumulation ...
Molecular and genetic approaches to understanding and egineering apomixis: Arabidopsis as a powerful tool. In Hybrid Rice, B. Hardy (ed.) IRRI. Manila. Philippines (in press). Google Scholar Grossniklaus, U., J-Ph., Vielle-Calzada, M.A. Hoeppner and W.B. Gagliano. 1998c. Maternal ...