Each CAD and any associated text, image or data is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with any company, organization or real-world item, product, or good it may purport to portray.
autocad / autocadweb: cannot write in Arabicbenbrahimbousmaha 08-27-2023 01:49 PM I cannot write in Arabic, the writing appears broken and sometimes question marks appear ??? [ The subject line of this post has been edited for clarity by @pendean Original: write in Arabic] رد...
Can you check the text in the PDF to verify the font that is being used, versus the one used in AutoCAD? If you try a different PDF driver, like the AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation), do you get the same results? Please let me know if this helps. If a post was helpful, Likes...
AutoCAD SHX Text を注釈から外す方法 1 upvote | 4 replies | Acrobatフォーラム Discussions Miss text direction icons | Arabic & Hebrew 0 upvotes | 7 replies | InDesign Discussions Arabic text is not showing properly on XD 6 upvotes | 9 replies | Adobe XD Discussions Typesetting ...
See my 3d perspectives using AutoCAD & 3DS Max. 3D Album New Free online languagetranslation Here you can translate text or a document into different foreign languages including, English/Hindi, English/Arabic and vice versa. You can translate in 51 international languages. Either type the text or...
\settextfont[ Ligatures=TeX, BoldFont=XB_NiloofarBd.TTF, ItalicFont=XB_NiloofarIt.TTF, BoldItalicFont=XB_NiloofarBdIt.TTF]{XB_Niloofar.TTF} If I comment the above lines in my main code (in my laptop), it automatically uses the XB_Niloofar fonts which is installed in my laptop....
0 upvotes | 12 replies | InDesign Discussions Gardient Fill - missing control handles 1 upvote | 3 replies | After Effects Discussions AutoCAD SHX Text を注釈から外す方法 1 upvote | 4 replies | Acrobatフォーラム Discussions change selected text 0 upvotes | 2 replie...
If you can't get the people who designed your coupon to fix the problems, you can save the PDF as a Microsoft Word document and edit in an Arabic version of Word. Word should have proper Arabic fonts and right to left text flow. Then you convert to PDF from Word's ...
In my opinion, as a long user of PDF format, the answer is how the PDF handles text and other assets on the page or in the document which you're converting to PDF in the first place, and surely which application is doing the conversion ie. AutoCAD, Photoshop, InDesign, Microsoft O...
Where the fact of the matter is that the issue of REVERSED text in text layer such as that produced from Google's Tesseracct-OCR is to do with Adobe's Acrobat & Reader being unable to properly handle the text flow characters within the text or whatever reason . Google's Chrome ...