Email validation, is ampersand a valid character Emails Sent by Window Service/C# Code are landing in spam in Gmail Embed html file in aspx page Embed VLC Player into ASP.NET application EMPTY AND NOT NULL STATEMENET in MSSQL enable button only when textbox is not empty Enabling Carriage R...
Abdul-Mageed M, Diab M, Korayem M (2011) Subjectivity and sentiment analysis of modern standard Arabic. In: Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics: human language technologies, pp 587–591 Abu Hammad AS (2013) An approach for detecting spam in ...
The use of stop-word removal, stemming on spam email filtering, are analyzed by Méndez et al. [8]. It is concluded that performance of SVM is surprisingly better without using stemming and stop-word removal. However, some stop-words are rare in spam messages, and they should not be ...