Arabic Boys Names - Find Muslim Arabic Boys Names with Meaning in English and Arabic meanings with easiness. List of Arabic Boys Names for baby with meanings.
There are no real "official Muslim names".It's understandable if someone thought of names like "Abdullah(slave of God)" or "Amatullah(female slave of God)"; "Abdurahman(slave of Merciful God)"; "Noor Udeen(light of the religion)", as being "Muslim names". Just names of people who ...
~ BOYS ~ GIRLS (click here) We Muslims love to name our kids with nice meanings to remind of certain qualities we hope for in our children. PLEASE READ IMPORTANT INFORMATION There are no real "official Muslim names", although it is understandable if someone thinks of names like "Abdullah...
BabyNamesDirect Auto Arabic Baby Names Comprehensive collection of40726Arabic/Muslim Baby Names Currently we have19868 BoysNames and20858 GirlsNames with Meanings in our Arabic/Muslim collection Please Choose a Letter Newly Added Boy Names VianRifasudeenSyalUwanMurtasimZananEllahiIyarafZaanishIrsathNazmeM...
Find Top 1000+ Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls Muslim Baby Names The Muslim community has a long history of giving unique and meaningful names to their children. For centuries, Muslim families have chosen names to honor their heritage and celebrate the beliefs of their faith. ...
MUSLIM NAMES PARENTING SIGNUP LOGIN Suran Name MeaningMeaning of Suran is Soran is a Kurdish name for boys. It is the name of a region of northern Iraq and one of the main Kurdish dialetcs (Sorani) is attributed to it. Suran is a Muslim NameSuran...
Many Arabicboy namesare often rooted in religion andAllah(God), but thesebaby namesare great forMuslimsand non-Muslim boysalike. You might notice that “q” and “k” are used interchangeably in Arabic names. So, names like “Malik” and “Kasim” have the same meaning as “Maliq” and...
Muhammad is of course popular in the USas well among Muslim parents. Along with Muhammad, other Arabic names for boys in the US Top 1000 include Ali, Amir, Ibrahim, Malik, Nasir, Omar, Samir, Xavier, and Yusuf. Unique Arabic boy names getting more attention include Amin, Aza, Osman, Rah...
Description of Muslim/Arabic Names Arabic NAMES can be put into two general categories: pre-Islamic and post-Islamic. Pre-Islamic names were mainly influenced by nature, occupations, personal characteristics, and genealogy. Post-Islamic names were influenced by the Prophet Muhammad, the catalyst for...
Arabic names have become much more widely known and used around the world over the past few decades.Muslim namesare often Arabic in origin. The Arabic name Muhammad has risen to become reportedly theNumber 1 baby namein the entire world when all its spellings are counted together. Muhammad is...