Home Names Muslim Arabic Boy Names Arabic Boy NamesMost popular baby arabic boys names with meanings. Pick a perfect name from the vast collection of Boy names. Find the origin, lucky number, religion, and other key aspects of name. The best part is that names are also categorized into ...
Many Arabicboy namesare often rooted in religion andAllah(God), but thesebaby namesare great forMuslimsand non-Muslim boysalike. You might notice that “q” and “k” are used interchangeably in Arabic names. So, names like “Malik” and “Kasim” have the same meaning as “Maliq” and...
For Girls Names (click) GIRLS NAME Here's a great list of some of the best names suggested to us (you can share): ARABIC & MUSLIM NAMES = BOYS NAMES OF MUSLIM BOYS**('Abd = slave or servant of the Names of Allah) More Arabic & Muslim Boys Names Aaban - an Angel Aadil -...
Arabic/Muslim BabyNamesDirect Auto Arabic Baby Names Comprehensive collection of40726Arabic/Muslim Baby Names Currently we have19868 BoysNames and20858 GirlsNames with Meanings in our Arabic/Muslim collection Please Choose a Letter Newly Added Boy Names...
Meaning of Suran is Soran is a Kurdish name for boys. It is the name of a region of northern Iraq and one of the main Kurdish dialetcs (Sorani) is attributed to it. Suran is a Muslim NameSuran In Arabic : سوران Suran In Urdu : سرن Suran In Hindi : स...
There are over five hundred names for the Arab prophet who founded the Muslim religion, making it the most common boys' name in the world and explaining the Muslim adage, "If you have a hundred sons, name them all Muhammad." Origin: ...
ARABIC & MUSLIM NAMESFOR GIRLS & BOYS Our 1st page forMUSLIM GIRLS NAMES~Very successful(almost850,000Hits!) ~ Now we have moreNAMES ~ ForBOYS NAMES ForGIRLS NAMES Just tell others visitSHAREISLAM.cominshallah. Join us asDawahPartners.com ...
Along with Muhammad,Arabic boy namesin the Top 500 in the US include Amir, Malik, Nasir, Omar, and Xavier.Arabic girl namesin the US Top 500 include Aaliyah, Amina, Layla, Fatima, and Zara. In theArab world, popular baby namesinclude Maryam, Noor, Ahmed, and Ali. Muslim parents of ...
NameOriginMeaningRatingFav. 'a'ishaMuslim/Arab..One of the most popular names in th.. 'abbasMuslim/Arab..Derived from the Arabic 'abbas (aus.. 'abd'al-HalimMuslim/Arab..Compound name composed of the eleme.. 'abd-Al'majidMuslim/Arab..Compound name composed of the eleme.. ...
Muslim babys name most popular baby Islamic name website! We have thousands of baby boy and baby girl names