Paradise 1 & Paradise 2 are not names, but just mentioned to differentiate between the 2 major categories. And ALLAH Knows the Exact Truth!6. Freely download and watch the following videos as soon as possible: Some Names of ALLAH (For authentic description of ALLAH’s Attributes read the ...
As mentioned earlier, Arabic letters are always written out in cursive, meaning that most of the letters will be connected. There are only six Arabic letters that have only two variants instead of four, and these letters aren’t connected to any letter after their use in a word. You’ll ...
If one thus juxtaposes late Medieval, early Renaissance Middle East/South Asia with Europe the situation is totally different. Europe which is roughly the same size of the three Islamic Empires previously mentioned was divided up into dozens of small states all vying and competing with each other ...
Those who believe in this theory reason that since all actions may not bear fruit in this life, there has to be another life for facing or reaping the consequences of one’s actions.a) It is mentioned in the Bhagvad Gita “As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the ...
14 The three modal functions mentioned above have already been noted in the classical and dialectal literature; however, only the intentive function of preverbal b- has been examined to any extent. The analysis presented here is framed in tentative terms and should be considered merely a stepping...
As previously mentioned, in Lebanese Arabic, Cognate Infinitive constructions are formed by a finite verbal form that functions as the lexical head of a predicate (‘cognate head’ or CH)4 and a less finite verbal form (usually an infinitive) that depends syntactically on and is cognate with ...
Isoglosses in this study are only those in which a clear innovation has occurred, so retentive features (e.g., retention of the interdentals) that are so often mentioned in the dialectology literature are except for comparison with traditional classifications....
As previously mentioned, the contributions of the state-of-the-art Arabic ontology learning from texts can be distinguished into one of the following categories. The works under these categories were examined in the following section and using Table 2. Table 2. A state-of-the-art on Arabic ...
Additionally, although the frameworks mentioned above to a considerable extent serve as points of reference for debates, a wider range of viewpoints—on the overarching premises of human rights as well as on specific points—has been expressed by individual scholars and legal experts in both Sunni ...