and the comparisons, the degree of adequacy of a translation was determinedon the basis of its success in maintaining functional equivalence.The results showed that partial rather than complete functionalequivalence could be achieved when translating rhetorical questions inHadith from Arabic into English....
English Quran Translation French Quran - Francais German Quran - Deutsch Hausa Quran - Hause Indonesian Quran - Bahasa Japanese Quran - 日本語 Korean Quran - 한국어 Malay Quran - Malaysia Malayalam Quran - മലയാളം Persian Quran - فارسی Portuguese Quran - Portug...
The study looks into key aspects, such as the impression of critical scholars and the standard accepted by the main compilers of Hadith in giving rulings on the validity of Hadith. The paper uncovers an authoritative blend of facts, theory, and critical enquiry with an engaging insight. The ...
Muslims are able to sayprivate prayers(du’a) in any language, however those fromIslamic practiceare the most well-known. Here are a few Muslim prayers to help heal your health. Suggested Read:Quran French,The Quran: English Translation,Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts Du’a From the...
That is quite a nice English-language summary. After struggling with Brockelmann, it is pleasant to see something outlined so clearly! Brockelmann states, however, that this translation is only partial. Like this: It’s always worth doing a Google trawl. You never know what you may find. ...
Although several works have been devoted to text mining from English and Latin languages [51,52], little attention has been paid to mining the Arabic texts. This is mainly because of the Arabic structural complexity and the presence of several Arabic dialects. Table 1 presents state-of-the-art...
Nevertheless, in the literature published in the English language that holds that human rights are compatible with Islam, the same arguments are presented, using the same evidence from the Qur’an and Hadith regarding fundamental protections (Berween 2002; Ahmad 2006; Muhammed 2021). Compared to ...