investigate the ways in which agrammatism is manifested in Algerian Arabic, a Semitic language where simple (-prefixed and -suffixed) words are described as consisting of three morphemes: the discontinuous consonantal root, the discontinuous vocalic base and a CV template or skeleton (McCarthy ...
investigate the ways in which agrammatism is manifested in Algerian Arabic, a Semitic language where simple (-prefixed and -suffixed) words are described as consisting of three morphemes: the discontinuous consonantal root, the discontinuous vocalic base and a CV template or skeleton (McCarthy ...
The second piece of evidence comes from the adaptation of loan words with a CVC1C2 template produced by al-Issa Arabic members; in such forms, the coda cluster is broken by an epenthetic vowel, as in 'banič from the word ‘bank’, 'šaniṣ from ‘chance’, and 'šibis from ...
there is no resyllabification.Šāwidialects are also atrochaic, in that sequences of CvC syllables are not restricted:yihárban‘they (f.) escape’,yāklan‘they (f.) eat’. Specific morphological forms areāni‘I’ andiḥnä‘we’ for free pronouns and the pairs-kum/-...