A country occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula. Inhabited since ancient times by nomadic Semitic tribes, the region was consolidated under Muhammad, who established a theocratic state at Medina and gained control of all Arabia c. 630. After the caliphate was moved from Medina to Damascus in ...
The incorporation of Saudi Aramco on November 13, 1988, was largely a cosmetic operation, performed in order to remove the final legal attachments of the Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco) to the original U.S. company, registered in Delaware on January 31, 1944. However, the history of t...
Consolidated Net Income Minority Interest Expense Net Income - Net Income Growth - Net Margin Growth - Extraordinaries & Discontinued Operations -- Extra Items & Gain/Loss Sale Of Assets Cumulative Effect - Accounting Chg -- Discontinued Operations Net Income After Extraordinaries Preferred Dividends...
Al Rajhi Banking and Investment : INTERIM CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL INFORMATION (UNAUDITED)24-05-07PU Al Rajhi Banking and Investment : AlRajhi Bank Allocation Impact Report 202424-04-22PU More press releases Quotes and Performance 1 day+0.10% ...
to power. Although his father had permitted Hamad to take over day-to-day governing some years before, Khalifa contested thecoup. Before Hamad fully consolidated his power, he had to weather an attempted countercoup in 1996 and a protracted lawsuit with his father over the rightful ownership of...
A blockchain is a shared and distributed record system that’s also governed by various users in a P2P (peer-to-peer) network [21,22]. Without a central authority or consolidated data storage administration, this method works [23]. Data is dispersed over multiple servers, and data reliabilit...
Inhabited since ancient times by nomadic Semitic tribes, the region was consolidated under Muhammad, who established a theocratic state at Medina and gained control of all Arabia c. 630. After the caliphate was moved from Medina to Damascus in 661, the peninsula remained fragmented until most of...