Footnote 6 The cultural heritage of the early Arab Islamic period was referred to as “turāṯ تُراث” (= folk-“legacy”), as this word in Arab and Islamic societies is linked to Arab culture in general and to the Classical Arabic language (al-ʿarabīyah al-fuṣḥ...
Could historic Arab struggle for Palestinian cause still has an impact? In a pronounced anti-Takfeeri posturing, the patriarch pleaded for League of Arab nations and U.N. Rahi: Denying Lebanon a president; tantamount to lethal stab More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ leafing leaf-lard le...
8.1.3 Word count per decade In the previous section we studied lyrics lengths over the whole career of Shadia. Here we restrict our study per decade. This is done to see if the timeline of the career of Shadia has an effect on the lengths of her songs. For each decade we plot a his...
The beginning of Behafarid's movement coincided with the troubles the Islamic Omayyad governor in Khorasan was having with Haret bin, the struggle against Joday bin Ali Kermani and the insurrection of Abu Moslem. Yusofi suggests that 'another factor which speeded the progress of Behafarid's ...
“Arab Awakening and Gender Issues”, presentation at Yale University, Conference for World Young Leaders, September 2011. “Learning Experiences and Leadership”, “Pathway Training for Better Future Forum–Yale University, June 2011. “The Arab Awakening: Struggle for Dignity”, Yale University MS ...
Egyptian-born artist Fathi Hassan is recognised for mixed-media paintings, drawings and installations incorporating the written word. This piece is part of a series of works carrying the theme “Haram Aleikum”, an Arabic phrase that can be roughly translated as “Shame on You”, but expressing...
The Moon was also male divinity in ancient Semitic religion, and the Arabic word for the moon “qamar'' is of the masculine gender, on the other hand, the Arabic word for sun “shams” is feminine gender, reflecting the pattern in Sa'aba. Al'Uzza and Manat are less easily traced to...
This reporting indicates two things: 1) Jabbar wholeheartedly adopted the Qur’anic and orthodox Muslim view that the ultimate struggle in life for “believers” is the war against disbelievers, and he wanted the world to become aware of this war and of the side he was on; 2) the fact ...
UASAUnion of Active Struggle against Autocracy UASAUkrainian Association Sexologists and Andrologists Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's pa...
Ahlam receives lavish attention from a dedicated group of women from the Egyptian Bourgeoisie, whose goal is to empower women through education and financial independence. Yet her life is a constant struggle against poverty and tradition. Contributions to Collective Works: ...