AR50-A2 附加功能 换芯提醒 滤芯 活性炭,PPF棉,RO膜 使用位置 终端净水 功效 直饮 智能类型 其他 额定出水量 11.84L/h 涉水批件批准文号 粤卫水字(2019)-02-第s9042号 水效等级 1级 图文详情 0 本店推荐 通用净水器滤芯max3.0 12345级ar50-d1/a2/sr50tr75/ar400 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Li4uLiN0...
To date, Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) vaccination has been studied only in animals, and no effective prophylactic human periodontal vaccine has been developed, with the reason for the failure of prophylactic human periodontal vaccines unknown. T helper 17 cell (Th17)/regulatory T (Treg)...
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