receiver 打开接收端的调试开关。 - tcp-server 打开tcp-server的调试开关。 - udp-server 打开udp-server的调试开关。 - lspv 打开LSPV的调试开关。 - packet 打开报文打印的调试开关。 - process 打开流程打印的调试开关。 - info 打开提示级别打印的调试开关。 - error 打开错误级别打印的调试开关。 - all 打...
工作模式:双工UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) 数据设备类型:DCE(Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) Console配置线缆 LAN侧接口:4个GE电接口 RJ45 GE电接口(10/100/1000Mbit/s自适应)主要用于十兆/百兆/千兆业务的接收和发送。 符合标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3ab 工作模式:全双工模式...
56789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678123456789012345678The New ConceptCU8232Remote Control Interfacefor theAR8000Hand Portable Radio ReceiverTMDownloaded by?
Finish matches my S&W receiver perfectly. Installation was a breeze and it fit like a glove." Chuck S. STNGR Customer I Love This Handguard "Top quality! The fit and finish is excellent. I put this on my duty rifle and added my vertical hand stop and light to it, I didn't want ...
AR6200: Main receiver body only. $23 shipped for one, or $40 shipped for the pair. I also have a JR satellite that has a repaired antenna - I could include it with any of the AR6200's for $17. AR600: I actually have six AR600's, and I'd take $2...
Console接口用于连接控制台,实现现场配置功能。 符合标准:RS232 工作模式:双工UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) 数据设备类型:DCE(Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) Console配置线缆 MGMT接口:1个GE电接口RJ45 GE电接口(10/100/1000Mbit/s自适应)主要用于十兆/百兆/千兆业务的接收和发送。
工作模式:双工UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) 数据设备类型:DCE(Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) Console配置线缆 LAN侧接口:4个GE电接口 RJ45 GE电接口(10/100/1000Mbit/s自适应)主要用于十兆/百兆/千兆业务的接收和发送。 符合标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3ab 工作模式:全双工模式...
工作模式:双工UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) 数据设备类型:DCE(Data Circuit-terminating Equipment) Console配置线缆 LAN侧接口:48个GE电接口RJ45 GE电接口(10/100/1000Mbit/s自适应)主要用于十兆/百兆/千兆业务的接收和发送。 符合标准:IEEE802.3、IEEE802.3u、IEEE802.3ab ...
realrc74 Garden Grove, CA USA Thread OP Sold New Spektrum AR8000 8-Channel DSMX Receiver-$82 Shipped Spektrum AR8000 8-Channel DSMX Receiver-NEW & NEVER INSTALL: $82 Shipped.Sign up now to remove ads between posts Jan 02, 2013, 05:46 AM #2 josephcharles SEFLI-GRUMMAN...