First ssh to the router and set uboot envboot_dev $ fw_printenv $ fw_setenv boot_dev on $ reboot Then when the router boot, the router will choose which firmware to boot using the hardware switch. Left side (near the reset button) --> NAND flash ... This is only valid in the new uboot (from Mar 2017). First ssh to the router and set uboot envboot_dev $fw_printenv$fw_setenv boot_dev on$reboot Then when the router boot, the router will choose which firmware to boot using the ...
电脑接网线,浏览器进入网页:即可,刷机后第一次启动,红灯会闪2-3分钟,耐心等待。 3,(可选)官方固件-GL-inet : openwrt-ar300m16-4.3.17-0607-1717697077.bin 选择菜单 系统-备份与升级-(打勾 不保留设置)或者进入Uboot内,选择 上面的固件升级,成功后自动重启。 4,Nand 固件,依次刷入: 资料:h...
future build that boots its kernel from NAND flash. It is likely that change to the U-Boot would be required to boot off NAND, either from the manufacturer or a third party. The current U-Boot provides for updating itself through an HTTP interface, without serial connectivity...
电脑接网线,浏览器进入网页:即可,刷机后第一次启动,红灯会闪2-3分钟,耐心等待。 3,(可选)官方固件-GL-inet : openwrt-ar300m16-4.3.17-0607-1717697077.bin 选择菜单 系统-备份与升级-(打勾 不保留设置)或者进入Uboot内,选择 上面的固件升级,成功后自动重启。