型号:V23A2R10X 作用原理:柱塞泵 用途:增压泵 驱动方式:电动泵 介质温度类型:高温泵 材质:铸钢 最大出口压力类型:中压泵4MPa<Pd<32MPaMPa 最大出口压力数值:35MPa 额定流量Q:am3/h 额定扬程H:33m 叶片式泵叶轮级数:多级泵 叶片式泵吸入方式:双吸泵 ...
亲 你好根据描述,我们可以逐步解析出a的取值范围:1.若g(x)=f(x)+ax是偶函数,则有:g(x)=g(-x) (x+1)^2+a|x|+( -x-1)^2+a|-x| => 2(x + 1)^2 - 2|-x| + 2a|x| + a|-x| = 0 => -4a = 0 => a = 0 所以当要使g(x)为偶函数时,a = 0。2.已知a...
Understanding FR Basic Concepts of FR LMI Protocol InARP Basic Principles of FR FR Sub-Interfaces FR QoS PVC Group FR Compression Multilink FR IPoFR IPoMFR PPPoFR/MPoFR PPPoMFR FRoIP FRoISDN Licensing Requirements and Limitations for FR Application Scenarios for FR Summary of FR Configuration Ta...
FR QoS Configuration On a Frame Relay (FR) interface, use the common QoS mechanism to provide traffic policing, traffic shaping, congestion management, and congestion avoidance for users. Besides the common QoS mechanism, an FR network also has its QoS mechanism. ...
2-27 由三个阻值分别为R1、R2、R3的电阻器组成的如图2-习27所示电路。如果在端点1-1上加电压U =1.5V,在端点2-2上接安培表,则安R AR212培表所示电流强度I =60mA。 若在2-2上换接伏特表,则R3伏特表所示电压U=1.0V。 如果在端点 2-2' 上加电压 U_01'2'在1-1上接伏特表,则其读数还是 U=1...
【小结反思】(aO)y--ar yark y-a(x-h)y-a(r-h)+k yar2+br开口方向顶点对称轴最值增减性(对称轴左侧)
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Run the reset counters interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] command to clear statistics on FR interfaces. The reset counters interface command clears statistics about sent and received packets on an interface, displayed in the last part of the display ...
NetEngine AR600, AR6100, AR6200, and AR6300 V300R021 CLI-based Configuration Guide - WAN This document describes WAN features on the device and provides configuration procedures and configuration examples. About This Document DCC Configuration PPP Configuration MP Configuration PPPoE Configuration ...