1、在51驱动网下载‘夏普SHARP AR-181G’复合机驱动,解压后,这里以64位系统安装驱动为例,双击运行‘SH_B03_SPLC_TWAIN_1306a_Jpn_64bit.exe’自解压安装文件 2、进入安装向导界面,选择自定义安装 3、选择端口号和是否将打印机默认为打印机,点击下一步 4、选择复合机型号‘AR-181G’,点击下一步 5、点击下...
富味乡 芝麻酱拌面热干面181g*6盒,29.9,沙茶、椒麻两种口味可随意组合,内含麻酱包、酱油包、辣油包、酸豆角包等配料,严选日晒面,口感劲道有嚼劲,麻酱包酱香浓郁! û收藏 转发 1 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 广州爱美互动网络股份有...
从喜爱晋级到事业 探究沈阳相声的历史,实际上并没有多么遥不可及.据清同治十二年(1873年)刘世英所著《陪都纪略》载:"有张太,学相声.叫人乐,嘴头灵.约薄话,想得精.讲流口,是营生."这是关于沈阳相声的早期记录.民国十年(1921年),北京相声艺人冯昆志一家来到东北组成冯家班,其子冯振声在沈阳收徒杨海荃,常福...
摘要: In a shoe, an apparatus for the support of a foot, comprising a semi rigid piece of metal or plastic extending from the heel to the ball of the foot, disposed over the inner sole of the shoe, and a screw penetrating upward to raise or lower the semi rigid piece.收藏...
Massage device for a lounge chair that includes means for applying kneading massage and lightly tapping the back of a user, wherein the device comprises: a set left engine Kneading massage (1) for transmitting rotation to a first shaft (2; 22); a right engine Kneading massage (10) arranged...