In scenarios with degraded visual quality, linguistic patterns serve as crucial supplements for comprehension, highlighting the necessity of integrating both aspects for robust scene text recognition (STR). Contemporary STR approaches often use language models or semantic reasoning modules to capture ...
Relentless annihilation occurs for $n \geq 2$ and $n \geq 4$ for s-wave and p-wave annihilation, respectively, and it thus occurs in well motivated scenarios such as a quintessence with a kination phase. We discuss a few microscopic realizations for the new cosmological component and high...
For more complex scenarios when you want to change the title from React components, you can use React Helmet, a third party library. If you use a custom server for your app in production and want to modify the title before it gets sent to the browser, you can follow advice in this ...
In order to introduce the concept of Versace Greca to Chinese audiences and showcase the Versace FW21 collection, we developed an innovative approach by creating a WeChat augmented reality (AR) maze. This interactive experience aimed to captivate and engage local audiences. The AR maze was ...
Finally, using technology like Mirroring or Availability Groups, which have a feature calledAutomatic Page Repairthat can fix some page corruption scenarios can help you find all sorts of dangers and inadequacies with your server set up. Run it on all your servers. You may be surprised what you...
You can switch to the Capybara.javascript_driver (:selenium by default) by tagging scenarios (or features) with @javascript:@javascript Scenario: do something Ajaxy When I click the Ajax link ...There are also explicit @selenium and @rack_test tags set up for you....
We are progressing in getting a comprehensive solution to tackle various types of post seal tape scenarios. We will launch it as an NPI in the coming years. ViTrox AI Auto Programming As the 3D AOI AI Auto programming is now mature and fully functional, we will proliferate this technology ...
Multi-geo scenarios are not supported. Example: a user in cannot access a file in Some errors, like "Access Denied" usually indicate that the file is locked (e.g. by Excel services). Also, the user, file, folder, or tenant may...
A mock object is one that has the same signature of an object or an interface, but is created in a specific manner to help with unit testing. It is often used with dependency injection to provide specific implementations of interfaces for testing different data and workflow scenarios....
Towards Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Systems in Factory Automation Scenarios A new trend in automation is to deploy so-called cyber-physical systems (CPS) which combine computation with physical processes. In future factory automation scenarios, mobile robots will play an important role to help ...