The movie is directed by debutant director Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy and will release in three languages, including Hindi, Tamil & Telugu. 99 Songs will also introduce to Bollywood a fresh new face, Ehan Bhat. Presented by Jio Studios, the film is produced by A. R. Rahman’s production...
Rahman reminisced about collaborating with Lata Mangeshkar on a song for Kapil Sibal's album and shared an anecdote: "In 2014, when I was working on Kapil Sibal ji's album, she was not well. I waited for her for three months. She quickly recorded other songs, ...
Since A R Rahman' s work is not limited to just Hindi, his compositions in Tamil, Telugu will also be presented. If you are in and around North America or planning to visit it then, you are in for a musical treat.