You can find other examples tweeted by @lateinteraction on Twitter/X. Some other examples (not exhaustive, feel free to add more via PR): Applying DSPy Assertions Long-form Answer Generation with Citations, by Arnav Singhvi Generating Answer Choices for Quiz Questions, by Arnav Singhvi Gener...
One of my favorite memes is Wrong Answers Only, where you show something and people have to answer incorrectly, like this and this and this. So now it’s your turn: you’re in SSMS, you right-click on a database, and go into Tasks: What does that bottom right task do? Wrong answ...
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Books on holidays and traditions: Tips from an Accelerated Reader quiz writer In recent Renaissance blogs, we explored the benefits of nonfiction books for students, as well as the power of book series to engage students in daily reading. In this blog, we’ll continue the conversation by looki...
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