AdjAge(DDDD:HH:MM) Time elapsed since the LDP adjacency was created, in DDDD:HH:MM format. RcvdHello Number of Hello messages received by an LDP adjacency. Type Type of an LDP adjacency: L: local LDP adjacency. R: remote LDP adjacency. # Display detailed information about the LDP adjac...
AdjAge(DDDD:HH:MM) Time elapsed since the LDP adjacency was created, in DDDD:HH:MM format. RcvdHello Number of Hello messages received by an LDP adjacency. Type Type of an LDP adjacency: L: local LDP adjacency. R: remote LDP adjacency. # Display detailed information about the LDP adjac...
ADJ PIT-B PIT-CR PIT-D PIT-PV PIT-S PIT-X WksChildCare (e-file) Personal Income Tax Return Rebate and Credit Schedule Electronic Filing Schedule of Additions and Deductions Allocation and Apportionment of Income Business Related Income Tax Credit Schedule Refund Donation Form Payment Voucher ...
4 .3 Rough machining surface T he regular tiny text ure/slots result ing form rough machining process may cause error, and the compensat ion met hod is the same as in 4.2 , adj ust ing the angle between the crosstalk segr- -egat ing board of t he transducer a metal membrane crossing...
74HC04N 13 C11 0.1F 6 C34 0.1F 4 –SUPPLY A C27 0.1F A 7 3 2 U8 DECOUPLING +5D2 10 R11 1k F.S./GAIN ADJ GND A 74HC04N 11 VOUT 6 VIN C7 0.1F A C9 0.1F C10 10F 16V NC 35 J8 C6 0.1F +5D2 36 J8 NC 37 J8 38 J8 40 J8 A AD9221/AD9223/AD9220 Figure ...
transit.Iftheinstrumentappearsundamaged,per-singlephase,50to1000Hz,whichcandeliverapproxi- formtheelectricalcheck.mately150watts. 2-3.ELECTRICALCHECKChecktheelectrical2-10.230-VOLTOPERATION. performanceoftheModel122A/ARassoonaspossible afterreceipt.Paragraphs5-7through5-20contain2-11.Iftheinstrumentistobeop...
4. Character: Potassium alginate is a kind of fibrous or granular powder with white to light yellow color, odorless and tasteless, easily solublein water and form a viscous solution. Insoluble in chloroform and ether. PH under 3. 5. Usage: It can be used as stabilizer,...
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' src=";abr=!ie;sz=250x250;ord=[timestamp]?" ></SCRIPT> ad unitAn Ad or set of ads displayed as a result of a piece of ad code executing. A single unit of ad
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