Army Reserves, is one of more than 2,000 Citi employees who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. 16 Highlights Expanding Financial Access • Citi Microfinance, Citi Indonesia and OPIC announced an $18.5 million term loan to promote financial inclusion among microentrepreneurs and small ...
He has over 20 years' experience in the telecommunication business and holds a Bachelor Degree in Communication Speciality from the Wuhan People's Liberation Army Institute of Communication Command. Peter JACKSON, aged 67, was appointed as a NED of the Company on 9 January 2012. Mr. Jackson ...
Predictably, the major auditing firms and an army of CEOs stormed Washington to pressure the Senate – what better institution to decide accounting questions? – into castrating the FASB. The voices of the protesters were amplified by their large political contributions, usually made with corporate ...
That's what drives the renewal of our aircraft engine portfolio—from the T901 turboshaft for the U.S. Army to the GE9X, the world's largest jet engine. It is why Renewable Energy is building the Haliade-X, the world's largest and most powerful wind turbine, which has blades longer ...