粒度(目) 200 比表面积Surface area m2/g ~1200 总孔容积The total pore volume cm3/g ~0.95 中孔容积The pore volume cm3/g ~0.25 水分Water% ≤15.0 铁Fe% ≤0.15 氯化物Chloride% ≤0.35 锌% ≤0.15 酸溶物Acid-soluble material% ≤2.0 ...
SIBA GmbH NH000 200A 690V Part No:2021113.200 KOBOLD FOLOWMETER MIK-6FC 15 A C34P RPV0200MRG01V01 V-Flansch Flansch Material in übereinstimmung mit DIN2632/2633 1.4571 mit HYDROTECHNIK 流量传感器 3107-00-S-26.00 HYDROTECHNIK PROVIBTECH(Europe, Middle East and South Africa areas) 模块 DTM...
The Top 16 AR/VR/Metaverse ODM/OEM Contract Manufacturers Top 20 AR/VR Polymer Material Suppliers Introduction Introduction to AR/VR Materials Presentation Welcome to join by clicking hereAR/VR DirectoryCurrently, there are more than 3000 members, including companies such as GoerTek, HTC, OPPO, Sk...
粒度(目) 200 水份Water% ≤10 铁Fe% ≤0.05 氯化物Chloride% ≤0.1 重金属Heavy Metal% ≤0.003 锌Zn % ≤0.02 酸碱度PH 4.5-7.5 酸溶物Acid-soluble material % ≤1.0 灰份Ash % ≤3.0 亚甲基蓝吸附值Methylene blue adsorptionmg/g ≥195
Huawei AR120&AR150&AR160&AR200&AR510 Series Enterprise Routers Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information About This Document About This Document Intended Audience This document describes Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and other safety standards compliance and information about the AR120&AR150&...
Material: polyester (PET) Ambient temperature: -29°C (-20.2°F) to +149°C (300.2°F) Printed by a laser printer and written with a marker Pass UL and CSA authentication Translation Favorite Download Update Date:2024-09-09 Document ID:EDOC1000039117 Views:230030 Downloads:9668 Average ratin...
Our design for the achromatic doublets uses the helium "d" line (587.6 nm, yellow) and the hydrogen "F" (486.1 nm, blue/green) and "C" (656.3 nm, red) lines since these wavelengths reasonably represent the visible spectrum and are used to define the Abbe Number, Vd, of a material....
vargeometry =newTHREE.BoxBufferGeometry(200,200,200);varmaterial =newTHREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color:0x00ff00,depthTest:false} ); cube =newTHREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); cube.position.copy(camera.position) cube.position.z=0; scene.add( cube ); ...
HyTemp can be compounded to withstand an impressive temperature range from -40°C to 200°C. These elastomers offer excellent long-term heat and compression set resistance while providing superb resistance to petroleum and synthetic-based lubricants. HyTemp can be tailored to specific material ...
Material CaF2 or other material Dimension 5-200mm Dimension Tolerance +0.1, -0.1 mm Thickness Tolerance +0.1, -0.1 mm Angle Tolerance ±30 Arc Seconds Surface Flatness 1/4 L @632.8nm Surface Quality 60-40 scratch and dig Protective Bevel 0.25 mm X 4...