🔧 组装过程这次我们选择了Crusader arms crypto的receiver set,虽然品控一般,但还算可以。不过,我们遇到了一些小问题,比如dust cover rod孔没有钻,每个导气钻都有问题,需要自己锉。每个charging handle的位置也需要自己打磨,否则放不进去。大多数set都有upper和lower过紧不匹配的问题,需要来回摩擦,甚至需要打磨upper...
Understanding and learning how an AR-15's upper receiver is put together allows you to assemble a perfectly functioning upper. With an AR-15 upper assembly guide, you...
ARJ-M1SS AR15 RECEIVER SET The M1SS Receiver set features the same beloved features as the M1 Receiver set, except this one features the ARJ-SS AR15 Upper Receiver, our slick side offering targeted to those who are looking for maximum weight reduction, agility and maneuverability.SHOP NOW...
Some ARs are flat tops with a rail running the length of the receiver. This allows you to add any optics or iron sights you want to. Others come with the standard carry handle and sight on the rear and A2 sight on the front. Others are hybrids, with a rail on the upper receiver an...
Geissele Reaction Rod for AR 15 Upper Receivers– The Geissele Reaction Rod is a tool that securely holds an upper receiver assembly for maintenance and assembly work. It will make working on an AR15 or M4 carbine a dream. The removal and installation of barrels, flash hiders, gas blocks and...
10000+ "ar 15 upper" printable 3D Models. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. Click to find the best Results for ar 15 upper Models for your 3D Printer.
UPPER MAINTENANCE Use cleaning fluid on the bore and chamber, the gas tube, the upper receiver & barrel assembly, locking lugs, and all areas of powder fouling, corrosion, dirt, or dust. Install the chamber brush on the cleaning rod, dip the brush in cleaning fluid and insert it into the...
The last thing you need to know about AR 15 barrels is the variation in feed ramps. These are added to the barrel extension (within the receiver) to improve reliability under full-auto fire. M4 feed ramps are cut through both the barrel extension and the upper receiver, whereas the older...
However, when it comes time to buy the most important part, the lower receiver, you must purchase this part from a holder of an FFL, fill out a Form 4473, and pass the criminal background check. You can purchase an AR-15 lower on the internet. However, you must have it shipped to...
With the rod centered in the upper receiver carefully put a mark on the rod even with the rear edge of the receiver. This is your starting point. As the throat wears the rod will go further and further into the throat. When it goes more than about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch it is ...