3D model marketplace for VR / AR and CG projects, and professional 3D designer community. Download 3D models and find 3D designers for your needs.
Have you ever wanted to view and interact with 3D Models? 3D Model Viewer allows you to view compatible 3D Models using your mobile device. You can even simulate 3D Printing and view your model in AR mode! -- View 3D Models Import and view your 3D models in real time, rotating, zoomin...
Skeletonized AR-15 3D model military ar-15 weapon, formats OBJ, FBX, BLEND, ready for 3D animation and other 3D projects
3DExport is a 3D model marketplace where you can buy and sell 3D models, CG textures and digital objects for 3D printing with royalty free. Professional 3D models - 3DExport
3DExport is a 3D model marketplace where you can buy and sell 3D models, CG textures and digital objects for 3D printing with royalty free. Professional 3D models - 3DExport
VISUALIZZATORE di modelli 3D interattivi e di Realtà Aumentata con qualità fotorealistica per configuratori, manuali virtuali e coinvolgenti presentazioni 3D.…
One of my favorite apps to use in Revit. Creates a 3D AR model that lifts off of my drawing sheets in just a few clicks! Reply Excellent tool! Diego Souza Gomes |November 16, 2018Verified Download(What's this?) Simple and easy to use and communicate! Congrats!
Uni-3DAR naturally supports a wide range of tasks within a single model, especially for both generation and understanding. High Efficiency. It uses octree compression-in combination with our proposed 2-level subtree compression-to represent the full 3D space using only hundreds of tokens, compared...
./download.sh modelnet40 To generate the ModelNet40-C dataset, please run: python data/process.py python data/generate_c.py NOTE that the generation needs a monitor connected since Open3D library does not support background rendering.
3DExport is a 3D model marketplace where you can buy and sell 3D models, CG textures and digital objects for 3D printing with royalty free. Professional 3D models - 3DExport