Gibran Huzaifah, co-founder and CEO of eFishery, said the company chose India due to the market’s similarities with Indonesia. The firm has conducted a pilot project in India for the past year. “In India, the farmers are also concentrated in just one state, not scattered like in Indones...
Fishery and Aquaculture in relation to Climate Change in IndiaJoystu DuttaTirthankar SenAnkita MitraAbhijit Mitra
The First China International Deep Sea Aquaculture and Marine Fishery Equipment Expo Qingdao TradeshowAgriculture & Forestry Follow4 Tue, 24 - Fri, 27 Sep 2024 Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture Medellín The conference in Colombia will delve into aquaculture, highlighting the country's unique hy...
Indiahasacoastlineofabout8,129km,5millionkmofcontinentalshelfand2.02 millionofexclusiveeconomiczone.Indiaisamajormarinefishproducerandranks seventhintheworld. Areaswherefisharerearedcommercially,areknownasartificialfisheries. Thefishesarebred,rearedandlaterharvested.Thefisherymaybeanaturalwater ...
(e.g. national fishery law, municipal fisheries ordinances). These activities were undertaken to build contextual understanding of aquaculture and capture fisheries in the coastal social-ecological system, including how they have changed, and the role of plural institutions. A total of 67 interviews ...
The Canadian Aquaculture Industry Alliance (CAIA) is proud to announce the release of its first-ever Sustainability Report for the Canadian salmon farming sector, highlighting the industry's commitment to delivering the world’s most sustainable, safest and best quality salmon. This report...
Surging global demand has been at odds with efforts to avoid overfishing and preserve marine wildlife, however, which is why the role of aquaculture has massively increased over the past three decades while fishery captures have remained relatively stable. In 2020, 49 percent of the world's suppl...
4.1Nanotechnologies and fishery industry Nanoparticles of elements like selenium, iron, etc. sources supplemented in diet could improve the growth of fish. The technology can be applied for using in aquariums and commercial fish ponds to reduce the cost of water treatment. Researchers believe that na...
subjective socioeconomic status; artisanal fishery; small-scale aquaculture; income1. Introduction Even though aquaculture is broadly promoted as an opportunity to strengthen the economic viability of remote coastal areas by creating employment for local people, generating income for women and young adults...