The meaning of AQUA GREEN is a variable color averaging a light bluish green that is bluer, lighter, and stronger than robin's-egg blue, greener, lighter, and stronger than Eton blue, and slightly paler and very slightly greener than turquoise.
Aqua Deep Color Hex #014b43 RBG rgb(1,75,67) HSL hsl(174,97%,15%) HSB hsb(173,99%,29%) CIELab CIELab(27.96,-22.49,-1.04) CMYK cmyk(99%,0%,11%,71%) RED 0.39% GREEN 29.41% BLUE 26.27% Aqua Dream Azure Green Blue Belgian Waffle Blossom Pink Bournonite Green Burnis...
Aqua Glass Color Hex #d2e8e0 RBG rgb(210,232,224) HSL hsl(158,32%,87%) HSB hsb(158,9%,91%) CIELab CIELab(90.23,-8.75,1.4) CMYK cmyk(9%,0%,3%,9%) RED 82.35% GREEN 90.98% BLUE 87.84% Aqua Green Azuremyst Isle Bella Mia Blowing Kisses Bowstring Burnished Mahogany Car...
Revell Aqua Color Dark Green Matt 18ml 2,62 € -12% Revell Aqua Color Sea Green Matt 18ml 2,19 € Revell Aqua Color Sea Green Glossy 18ml 2,34 €Produktinformationen Der niedrigste Preis für Revell Aqua Color Dark Green Silk 18ml beträgt derzeit 2,49 €. Dies ist der güns...
(1.1)NDSI=Green−MIR/Green+MIR where Green is band 4 with wavelength 0.545–0.565 (μm), and MIR (mid-infrared) is band 6 with wavelength 1.628–1.652 μm. The MODIS snow product (MODIS/Terra snow cover for 8 days; MOD10A2) for cold months (December, January, February, and March...
Actual Color:Aqua selected, Aqua, $24.99Aqua$24.99 Blue, $24.99Blue$24.99 Green, $24.99Green$24.99 Multi, $24.99Multi$24.99About this item FULL-BODY RELIEF: Therapeutic 12” x 15” heating pad provides targeted heat therapy ...
Color: Forester GreenSize: 10 x 7 ftVerified Purchase As above, it packs small, is light and portable, seam sealed, doesn't rend, tear, or flake. Quality product. Holds up very well in rain, not a drop gets through nor does it puddle and seep through. Great sun shade in the day ...
Manufacturer Part Number AZL20391 Color Yellow/Red Warranty Warranty information Please be aware that the warranty terms on items offered for sale by third party Marketplace sellers may differ from those displayed in this section (if any). To confirm warranty terms on an item offered for ...
But what if you own a green business or want to show the world that you’re more into sustainability? The Tesla Model X is the perfect choice for those who want to minimize their carbon footprint while still having plenty of power and style. It has a range of up to 315 miles and ca...
Pale Aqua Color Hex #bcd4e1 RBG rgb(188,212,225) HSL hsl(201,38%,81%) HSB hsb(202,16%,88%) CIELab CIELab(83.56,-5.33,-9.11) CMYK cmyk(16%,6%,0%,12%) RED 73.73% GREEN 83.14% BLUE 88.24% Pale Bamboo Pearly Pink Pink Mimosa Possibly Pink Qiān Hūi Grey Reduced Sky...