The ISO 2859-1 standard allows users to do that in clause 10.3: If this procedure leads to different sample sizes for different classes of nonconformities or nonconforming items, the sample size code letter corresponding to the largest sample size derived may be used for all classes of nonconfor...
AQL Calculator & Acceptable Quality Limit are statistical tools, widely used in the QC industry to determine the sample size for inspection.
Table 1: Sample Size Code Letters The most commonly used standard is the AQL Table 1 (below) which is used as a fundamental tool when carrying out quality control inspections. The AQL Table makes it easy for the buyer, manufacturer and quality control provider to come together in agreement ...
找到批量数和检验水平后,可以通过表格找到相应的样本量字码(Sample Size Code Letter)。 例如,批量数在1201个到3200个之间,检验水平为II,那么,对应的样本量字码为K。 表二:正常检验一次抽样方案表 – Single sampling plans for Normal Inspection 样本量字码(SampleSize CodeLetter) 与表一中得到的样本量字码对应。
Looking for an AQL sampling calculator in Excel? QI Macros has ready-made calculators with tables for single sample and zero defect sampling. Try it now.
They are an industry standard. Most suppliers involved in international trade are familiar with it. -How to read the AQL table? There are basically two tables. The first one tells you which ‘code letter’ to use. Then, the code letter will give you the sample size and the maximum ...
Find the respective Lot Size (quantity) and general inspection level: Code letter LNote: The AQL tables below are based on the ANSI/ASQ Standard Zq.4 – 2008 Table B Locate Row L (the required sample size of 200)In compliance with AQL 2.5, no more than 10 units from a sample size ...
AQL:接受质量限(Acceptance Quality Limit)这个词汇,常在品质部门,检验部门被提及,可认为对产品抽检的...
样本数量(Sample Size) 根据表一中得到的样本量字码,可以明确抽样数量。 AQL值 为一串数字(0.010、0.015 …… 65、100)共21个,AQL值越低,要求的质量标准越高。 Ac允收数/Re拒收数 根据AQL值,表格会给出接受和拒绝的缺陷数量。样本中缺陷数小于等于允收数,则批次可以接受;大于拒收数,则该批次被拒绝。
Lot size: 20 Inspected at level II, AQL 0.25 Full inspection (not sampling inspection) Acceptance number: 0 ( no defects, pass) Rejection number: 1 (1 or more defects found, fail) AQL Calculator From the above steps, you can feel that there is actually no AQL formula and no need to ...