Marvell/Aquantia AQC113CS (10Gbps) Firmware Version 1.5.38/1.5.39,1.5.39官方版出现了。已经在PE下面刷新成功。 ...,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术
支持列表:<pciid vid="1d6a" did="07b1" sdid="1046" svid="17aa"/> <pciid vid="1d6a" ...
更新Marvell/Aquantia AQC113CS (10Gbps) Firmware Version 1.3.36 均未能有效解决。 因为NAS用的电口万兆网卡,也买了电口交换机,不想换光纤,于是继续折腾。 经过多次尝试,试着将网卡高级里的其他内容基本全关掉,居然解决了。遂进行控制变量法逐个排除,终于发现问题原因所在: ...
Marvell/Aquantia AQC113CS (10Gbps) Firmware Version 1.3.38 Origine: Sous: Windows Inclus: Firmwares & Utilitties Release note: FW version 1.5.38 for Marvell AQC113 Family of Controllers=== MAC: 1.2.122PCIROM: 3.1.106PHY: 06.00.11PHY: 06.00.15PHY: 06.01.02TOOLS:
Marvell/Aquantia AQC113CS (10Gbps) Firmware Version 1.5.42 Warning Under Windows 11 24H2 you must create a boot USB key with HPE if the update does not start. After the update, please disconnect your PC electrically for 30s for better support Station-Driv...
Submitted On: 09 Mar 2024 Description: For Marvell AQC-113CS (10Gbps) The update contains changes to maintain overall system health. It ensures that the system software remains current and compatible with other system modules (firmware, BIOS, drivers, and software) and may include other new fea...
Re:Marvell AQC113C FourPartID Firmware updater edit 10 个月 1 周 � I have a similar situation with the update. I can't update my Fenvi AQC113C. I hope Fenvi support will provide the correct update file. Please share the u...
* Bypassed automatic execution of PCIe Configuration from Bootloader.* PCIe Serdes Firmware integrated...