English Literature A (7711) English Literature B (7716) Environmental Science (7446) New French (7651) Further Mathematics (7366) New Geography (7036) German (7661) History (7041) Law (7161) New Mathematics (7356) New Media Studies (7571) New Music (7271) Philosophy (7171...
Englishliterature exampaper– Section A Question 1 • How does the writer present her thoughts and feeling about the struggle for identity? • How far is the extract similar to and different from your wider reading about the struggle for identity in modern literature? You should consider the...
提供预先信息是考虑到疫情对学生学习造成的干扰,但考试会同样严格。 也有adaptions考试调整,例如IG English Literature,考生可选择Prose Fiction或drama question;IG ESL 口语Part 1取消了,只需完成Part2,便于线上考试;IG数学会提供公式表。 02 如果所在国家或地...
同时,牛津AQA提供的预先信息(Advance Information),基本上包含每个学科,都有针对该学科的考前信息汇总! 当然,也有adaptions考试调整,例如IG English Literature(英语文学),考生可选择Prose Fiction或drama question;IG ESL口语Part 1取消了,只需完成Part2,便于线上考试;IG数学会提供公式表。 02、考试取消应对措施 如果...
2022夏季考试,牛津AQA提供了预先信息,聚焦关键领域进行复习,但需学完全部课程内容。预先信息不会包括具体问题,旨在考虑到疫情对学生学习的干扰,考试标准保持不变。适应性调整包括,如IG English Literature可选Prose Fiction或戏剧问题;IG ESL 口语Part 1取消,便于线上考试;IG数学提供公式表。02、考试...
AQA GCSE English language and literature. Teacher's resource book. Higher and foundation Maximise your potential and build the skills needed to succeed with this exam-focused Workbook; packed with practice questions for every section of the AQA GCSE English Language exam papers. - Guides you throug...
Varieties in Language and Literature 类型:笔试 考试时长:2小时30分钟 总分:50 权重:40% of A-...
Literature inEnglishPaperTwo Part 1 Comprehension and appreciation (Comparative Discussion) Essay (1994PastPaper) Women’s status has always been a controversial issue‚ especially after the Second World War ended. Since then‚ people from all over the world have noticed the importance of women ...
The New English a Level: Further Thoughts on the New 2008 Specifications: Barbara Bleiman Offers a Practical Perspective on the New A Level Specifications in English Literature and English Language & Literature, Aiming to Contribute Furt... The NATE Post-16 Committee's feature on the new A Leve...