...comment on the structure with specified lines in the source. ...comment on the languagein the whole of the source. ...comment on the language with specified lines in the source. ...four pieces of information on specified lines in the source. 4. Multiple Choice 20 sec 1 pt In qu...
Understand and respond to written language. AO2 Writing: Communicate in writing. AO3 Listening: Understand and respond to spoken language. AO4 Speaking:Communicate and interact in speech. ▎课程的评估部分: Paper1:Writing Exam. 1hour 15mins .60marks. 30% Paper2: Reading Exam. 1hour 15min.60ma...
Level 2: clear • Knowledge of accurate information • Clear understanding • The answer has some structure and organisation, use of specialist terms has been attempted but not always accurately, some detail is given • There is reasonable accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar, ...
The Command-Line Interface Client can also use the Jython programming language. Jython is a Java implementation of the high-level, dynamic, object-oriented language Python. You should install Jython on any system on which you plan to install the Command-Line Interface Client. For more information...
2.提高译员素质。 旅游景点的对外形象与译员素质关系密切, 译员若没有扎实专业的翻译知识, 翻译出来的公示语、导游词、旅游广告、旅游指南、旅游日程、通知等质量就看很难保证, 所以一定要加强对翻译人员的监管。 此外, 译员对译文有着不可推卸的责任, 应该对自己高标准严要求, 不断提高业务水平和文化素质, 确...
Public speech is an art.It presents the features of formal written language while exhibiting characteristics of the speaker.Barack Obama, an excellent speaker, addressed his victory speech in November 2012, which was very convincing and considered a classic for its perfect using of rhetorical features...