牛津AQA的英语、数学和科学等学科考试更以其独一无二的优势受到广大国际考生的青睐。1. 牛津AQA的国际英语考试基于英格兰本土最大的GCSEs,AS和A-Level建立,在英国,无论是是英语语言(English Language)还是英语文学(English Literature),AQA均是参加人数最多、最受考生信赖的考试。*数据来源:JCQ发布的英格兰市...
Our online resources delivered via Kerboodle, provide additional support to those students studying A Level English Language and Literature.ArchibaldAndyEmeryDavidDictionaries & Reference
Module 5: Language in Action: Invetisgating Language 模块5:应用语言:调查语言 Module 6: Understa...
English Language:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English Literature:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English as aSecond Language:IGCSE课程 4.商务 Business:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 5.计算机科学 Computer Science:IGCSE课程 6.地理 Geography:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课...
Physics:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 Chemistry:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 Biology:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 Combined Science:IGCSE课程 3.英语 English Language:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English Literature:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 ...
English Language (7701) English Language and Literature (7706) English Literature A (7711) English Literature B (7716) Environmental Science (7446) New French (7651) Further Mathematics (7366) New Geography (7036) German (7661) History (7041) Law (7161) New Mathematics (7356)...
AQA A level English language and literature:student book This Book Helps Students Meet The Demands Of The 2015 Aqa A Level English Language And Literature Specification. With Up-to-date Material, And Flagging As Specification Requirements, It Builds The Skills On Which Students Will Be Assesse.....
Standard Test(标准考试) > 英国CGP A-Level Biology: AQA Year 2 Complete Revision & Practice with Online Edition 中商原版 中商童书旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.1 低 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.9 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 ...
Literature inEnglishPaperTwo Part 1 Comprehension and appreciation (Comparative Discussion) Essay (1994PastPaper) Women’s status has always been a controversial issue‚ especially after the Second World War ended. Since then‚ people from all over the world have noticed the importance of women ...
●牛津AQA的国际英语考试基于英格兰本土最大的GCSEs,AS和A-Level建立,在英国,无论是英语语言(English Language)还是英语文学(English Literature),AQA均是参加人数最多、最受考生信赖的考试。 ●在英语文学方面,牛津AQA将课文选择范围和弹性最大化,并为国际考生特别甄选了全球范围内备受推崇的文学作品以适应不同国家考...