The GCSE Biology App This app helps you revise and monitor your progress for the GCSE biology examination. The app contain 1500+ questions from all topics and…
AQA 将使用今年 GCSE 和 Alevel 考试数据来检查人工智能给出的分数与高级评分教师的分数匹配程度。 考试委员会表示,计划利用这一过程来识别和纠正 "特定个人评分中的任何异常情况"。 这个AI阅卷项目建立于AQA此前研究的基础上,当时曾使...
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Collins all-in-one revision guide and exam practice workbook for GCSE Biology shows how each student can follow their level, test their knowledge, check their answers and improve. * Content written by examiners to help students step up a level in their exams and get the grade they want. *...
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Enhance your child’s academic performance with SciencebyMir's tailored tutoring in A-Level and GCSE Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Our experienced tutors specialise in supporting students through IGCSE, Edexcel, AQA, and OCR exam boards. In our live w
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