数学,进阶数学,物理,化学是大多数大学的入学要求,也是大部分学生的选择,因为这几门课拿A或A*率也会比其他科目要容易一些,当然也没有那么容易,可以选修中文和英语比如English literature尤其是中文去作为第四门科目保底。中国学生,本身数理化...
J Bivens,D Stone,T Farrell 摘要: Supporting the GCSE English Literature Students' Book, the ideal text for AQA Specification B (formerly SEG) candidates, this comprehensive book offers the resources you need to ensure candidates at every level achieve their very best. BLDrama texts covered ...
●牛津AQA的国际英语考试基于英格兰本土最大的GCSEs,AS和A-Level建立,在英国,无论是英语语言(English Language)还是英语文学(English Literature),AQA均是参加人数最多、最受考生信赖的考试。 ●在英语文学方面,牛津AQA将课文选择范围和弹性最大化,并为国际考生特别甄选了全球范围内备受推崇的文学作品以适应不同国家考...
试卷2:English Language 2 - 语言多样性与变化 Varieties in Language and Literature 类型:笔试 考试...
也有adaptions考试调整,例如IG English Literature,考生可选择Prose Fiction或drama question;IG ESL 口语Part 1取消了,只需完成Part2,便于线上考试;IG数学会提供公式表。 02 如果所在国家或地区因疫情取消大考怎么办 牛津AQA希望能完整举办考试,但是也了解疫情仍...
在GCSE阶段,英国私立学校开设的英语科目上会有分English language(英语语言)和English Literature(英语文学),而英语文学对于大多数国内的学生来说都是比较陌生的。今天考而思惟世带大家一起了解一下English Literature(英语文学)。 一、GCSE英语文学课程重点
CIE考试局下的A-Level有多难 我考的CIE的 chemistryAS/A2 physicsAS/A2 pure math and statisticsAS/A2 申请英国大学完全OK,英国申请官网都有对CIE的成绩要求自己可以去UCAS上查,基本上都是BBC起步,相对来说CIE比较难,很多知识是国内大学的比如communication system, photon,Y-ray decay, 数学的微积分,log,sin...
Englishliterature exampaper– Section A Question 1 • How does the writer present her thoughts and feeling about the struggle for identity? • How far is the extract similar to and different from your wider reading about the struggle for identity in modern literature? You should consider the...
A-level grade boundaries 2019 released for AQA, CEA, Pearson Edexcel, OCR; A-level results day 2019 has finally arrived and here is what the grade boundaries are for the major exam boards AQA's appeals and complaint process applies to English Language, English Literature and Maths exam papers...