Level 2 English Language Question Paper READTHEORY Name___ Date___ • Sentence Completion 2Level1 Directions: Complete the sentence using the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1. Twenty-two is a ___. A. B. C. D. food num...
Language focus In this part try to help the students analyze the difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meaning of the new words, ask them to deal with the language points in the context. Teacher: Now we will discuss some important sentences and phrases in the passa...
•Themaximummarkforthispaperis100. •YouareremindedoftheneedforgoodEnglishandclearpresentationinyouranswers. Pleasewriteclearly,inblockcapitals,toallowcharactercomputerrecognition. CentrenumberCandidatenumber Surname Forename(s) Candidatesignature 2 Answerallquestions. Foreachquestionyoushouldshadeinonebox. An...