Our online resources delivered via Kerboodle, provide additional support to those students studying A Level English Language and Literature.ArchibaldAndyEmeryDavidDictionaries & Reference
1. 牛津AQA的国际英语考试基于英格兰本土最大的GCSEs,AS和A-Level建立,在英国,无论是是英语语言(English Language)还是英语文学(English Literature),AQA均是参加人数最多、最受考生信赖的考试。*数据来源:JCQ发布的英格兰市场份额数据 2. 在英语文学方面,牛津AQA将课文选择范围和弹性最大化,并为国际考生特...
English Language:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English Literature:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English as aSecond Language:IGCSE课程 4.商务 Business:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 5.计算机科学 Computer Science:IGCSE课程 6.地理 Geography:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课...
3.英语 English Language:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English Literature:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 English as aSecond Language:IGCSE课程 4.商务 Business:IGCSE课程、International AS/A-level课程 5.计算机科学 Computer Science:IGCSE课程 6.地理 Geography:IGCSE课程、International AS/A...
AQA English Language and Literature B A2 作者:Christine I. Bennett/Heather Coombs/Robert Baldock 出版社:Nelson Thornes Ltd 副标题:Student's Book (Aqa A2 Students Book) 出版年:2009-06-29 页数:192 定价:USD 23.10 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781408513866 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价...
试卷2:English Language 2 - 语言多样性与变化 Varieties in Language and Literature 类型:笔试 考试...
As an English literature student, I am often captivated by the beauty of classic literary works and the profound insights they offer into the human experience.作为一名英语文学学生,我经常被经典文学作品的美丽所吸引,以及它们对人类经验所提供的深刻见解。 One of my favorite novels is "Prideand Prejudic...
Revise English & English Literature Anthology for AQA A This revision guide supports the AQA/A English Anthology for 2004-2006, with glossaries, notes and questions to prepare students for the exam. The practice questions are accompanied by advice on how students can plan, structure and write.....
AQA A level English language and literature:student book This Book Helps Students Meet The Demands Of The 2015 Aqa A Level English Language And Literature Specification. With Up-to-date Material, And Flagging As Specification Requirements, It Builds The Skills On Which Students Will Be Assesse.....
AQA's appeals and complaint process applies to English Language, English Literature and Maths exam papers only. Here's what to do if you've failed your GCSEs - the remarking process, resits and more; All is not lost if you didn't get the grades you wanted Qatar Airways previously streng...