Paper 4: Contemporary Science (for Biology, Chemistry and Physics only)。 The grades for the individual components are reported on a scale of 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest grade. Chinese Answer: AQA A-Level评分方法。 AQA A-Level评分制度是一种线性制度,这意味着你获得的成绩完全基于你在课...
General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level MATHEMATICS (SYLLABUS D) PAPER 1 4024/1 Rupee version MAY/JUNE SESSION 2002 2 hours Candidates answer on the question paper. Additional materials: Geometrical instruments TIME 2 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name‚ Centre number and candida...
Chemistry Past Paper Section A (Answer ALL questions in this Section.) 1. Rubidium (Rb) and potassium belong to the same group in the Periodic Table. The relative atomic mass of rubidium is larger than that of potassium. (a) Explain whether rubidium is more reactive than potassium. (b) ...