⭕IGCSE考试时间:2024年10月28日-2024年11月22日 ⭕IAL考试时间:2024年10月8日-2024年10月31日 2024秋季大考IG&IAL时间表 👇👇 ✅IGCSE考试科目: 会计、生物、商务、化学、中文、经济、英语语言A/B、ESL、进阶纯数、地理...
As an A-level Chemistry teacher and tutor I've found AQA a really good exam board and my tutees agree. AQA questions for Chemistry are fairly challenging but they are fair. Provided you've been taught well and have used the right revision strategies you can achieve a great grade. It's...
Grade boundaries – June 2018 exams PS
Version 1.0Copyright © 2012 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 3644723) and a registered charity (registered charity number 1073334).Registered address: AQA, ...
2024夏季大考出分趋势 整体来看,今年的评分标准和去年基本保持一致,先看一下官方给出的信息。 图源| Ofqual官网 评分标准和注意事项 ①今年继续沿用以往行之有效的正常评卷及评分安排,意味着今年夏季大考取得的成绩可能性和去年一样大...