摘要: 本文主要介绍我国空气动力学专家庄逢甘院士,从事空气动力学,对我国的风洞建设做出了重大贡献,文中简要介绍了该院士的工作经历.关键词:风洞 庄逢甘院士 气动设备 会议名称: 中国空气动力学会近代空气动力学研讨会 会议时间: 2004-12-01 会议地点: 北京 ...
Feeding preterm infants mother's own milk (MOM) lowers rates of sepsis, decreases necrotizing enterocolitis, and shortens hospital stay. In the absence of freshly expressed MOM, frozen MOM (FMOM) is provided. When MOM is unavailable, preterm infants are often fed pasteurized donor human milk (...
目的:检验盐酸溴己新、依诺沙星注射液与注射用丹参(冻干)注射剂,是否存在配伍禁忌,消除临床用药安全隐患,确保临床用药安全。方法:临床试验法,用一次性无菌注射器2支,... 陈迪,赖慧娟 - 《大家健康(学术版)》 被引量: 2发表: 2014年来源期刊 大家健康:现代医学研究 研究点推荐 盐酸溴己新 依诺沙星注射液 丹...
所以,有人认为,母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会的转变,是从改变婚姻形态开始的。于是,... 赵晓茂,周莉 - 《中国性科学》 被引量: 1发表: 2004年 步履维艰的一夫一妻制(二) 所以,有人认为,母系氏族社会向父系氏族社会的转变,是从改变婚姻形态开始的.于是,在婚姻领域也就遇到了女人特别激烈的反抗.在"从妇居"...
摘要: 主要描述了九里香白粉病的症状特点,并根据其发病规律,提出减少越冬菌量,合理栽植密度,加强管理,提高植株抗病力与药剂防治相结合的综合防治方法.关键词:九里香 白粉病 症状 发病规律 防治方法 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-1067.2008.02.018 年份: 2008
The Early Years Toolbox (EYT) is a set of iPad-based assessment tools suitable for use with young children by early years staff. It includes eight brief, engaging, and game-like assessment apps that aim to capture abilities that research has shown to be the most predictive of later academic...
The negative side of social interaction: impact on psychological well-being. Social exchange theory has long emphasized that social interaction entails both rewards and costs. Research on the effects of social relations on psycholog... Rook,S Karen - 《Journal of Personality & Social Psychology》...
摘要: PURPOSE: To obtain an efficient turbo freezer which enables the safe use of non-chlorofluorocarbon refrigerant, such as ammonia and propane, which does not make influence on the environment on the earth, and also make reduction of its size, weight and price....