While we expect him to be much easier this time, due to being released on WoW Classic in his post-nerf state (which stops tentacles from spawning while he is weakened, among other changes) and in a world of vastly better players and community knowledge, expect him and this raid to be a...
These tokens can drop from almost everyAQ40boss. 3. Eye of C'Thun C'Thunwill always dropEye of C'Thun, which starts a quest that grants one item out ofRing of the Fallen God,Cloak of the Fallen God, andAmulet of the Fallen God. ...
historically for classic servers, player activity falls off when aq 40 arrives. I suggest, that would be a great time to give players the Blood Elf and Draenei races/starting zones. This would help keep players engaged …
WoW ClassicSeason of Discovery ßßb-crusader-strikeNovember 16, 2024, 12:26am1 Can we hotfix Coldrage dagger/frost oil to work in Cat form please? Thank you Senne-crusader-strikeNovember 16, 2024, 6:07am2 But cats don’t swing weapons. ...
I ran 6 AQ40's WoW Classic Season of Discovery Annalura-crusader-strike December 16, 2024, 12:03am 163 I’m not sure. Heat Wave 3 in MC was frustrating to obtain 226 FR, but it was challenging. BWL with 3 affixes (specifically with Black affix included) was new and challenging. ...
Half of my guild is already talking about quitting SoD if and when AQ drops. Classic saw a fairly large drop off when AQ came out. Can we get a Karazhan raid or something else different where much of the player isn’t lik…
WoW Classic Season of Discovery Marsiá-wild-growth October 24, 2024, 1:27am 1 im curious as to why i hear people jump on this band wagon, AQ40 was always a good raid because most of the encounters required everyone to be involved, how is that bad? 1 Like Elkwood-mankrik October...
Large Coffers (AQ40)Regular Coffers (AQ20) This will not work in WoW Classic as there are no maps in instances. Don't. There is no way of knowing if you've looted a chest already and I think it'd be too complicated to devise anything more than that. This is meant to be a sim...
Wow… that’s a lot of items. And a lot of pictures. I hope this helps out when choosing what PvP Rewards you wanna farm for! Limited Time DerpFish! August is National Catfish Month! So I took it upon myself and made a very special… um… pet?... for you. It’s the DerpFish...
Viscidus Guide AQ40 - How to Cheese the HARDEST Boss in Classic WoW So Far 1 人观看 3年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Stalmashenko Ilya 422个粉丝 In this video I will show you how you can defeat Viscidus in AQ40 in Classic WoW, this will be a comprehensive guide to ...