Food Processing replacement, Apv, An Spx Brand, clean in place systems, gaskets,clean in place systems, plates,clean in place systems, pumps,clean in place systems, seals,clean in place systems, valves,heat exchangers, blades,heat exchangers, gaskets,hea
Brand/Maker型号/ Model 安培威 APV 斯必克 SPXA055、A085、H12、H17、H17G、N25、N35、N50、J060、J092、J107、J185、M60、M92、M107、M185、Q030D、Q030E、Q055D、Q055E、Q080D、Q080E、K34、K55、K71、B063L、B063S、B110L、B110S、B134L、B134S、B158L、B158S、B205L、B205S、SR1、SR2...
APV, AN SPX BRAND 喜欢 0 阅读量: 6 摘要: For more than 75 years, APV has provided customers worldwide with the latest advancements in heat exchanger technology. SPX continues to lead the industry with its world renowned state-of-the-art technology, unsurpassed process knowledge and an ... 企业地址 上海市 长宁区 华山路1568号6楼 品牌官网 工商信息 统一社会信用代码 91310000717851574B 注册资本 3000万美元 成立日期 2004-07-23 登记状态 在营企业 发证机关 上海市市场监督管理局 核准日期 2023-11-09 执照有效期 2004-07-23 ~ 2024-07-22 企业类型 有限责任...
The APV brand is part of SPX FLOW Inc., which designs and manufactures engineered solutions and products used to process, blend, meter, and transport fluids.
APV是SPX FLOW旗下品牌,提供了一系列独特的高功能解决方案,系统和产品,解决关键业务驱动力。SPX FLOW将其APV解决方案基于先进的技术产品,包括泵、阀门、均质器、搅拌机和热交换器,以及生产效率经验,开发专长,维护管理和法规遵从性。主要产品包括:APV离心泵、APV阀门、APV换热器、APV热交换器、APV混频器等。 APV...
Share on Facebook APV Financial Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition APVAlgemene Plaatselijke Verordening(German: General Local Regulation) APVAdvanced Personal Vaporizer APVAhorro Previsional Voluntario(Spanish: Voluntary Pension Savings) APVAssociation de la Presse du Vin(French: Wine Press Associ...
APV FX 牛奶过滤器单元说明书
APV, an established centennial engineering legacy, is an important part of the SPX FLOW brand, integrated over a decade ago. Addressing the food/beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical and healthcare markets, APV offers highly effective turnkey automation and process engineering solutions. These industrial sol...
APV, an established centennial engineering legacy, is an important part of the SPX FLOW brand, integrated over a decade ago. Addressing the food/beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical and healthcare markets, APV offers highly effective turnkey automation and process engineering solutions. These industrial sol...